Actually, I alread read this book before and I just love it.

Although some people hold the opinion that it is childish,

we can learn something from it.

Whatever, I really want to appreciate this film.


The most impressive sentence is

 "I promise you. The promise is 

something I never break
.", said by Charlotte. 

A very little spider which many animals were afraid of, 

brought the barn radiant and warm atomosphere. 

Apparently, Wilbur was very cute and lovely;

nevertheless, he was a little bit "too naive".

Speaking of the rat, Templeton, which was a 

self- centred creature,  finally found something 

is as important as slop -- friendship. 

Because of Charlotte, the atomosphere is more 

fragnant and  kinder.The warmth of their relationship

 carried them through every obstacle.

What is the miracel of friendship??


Promise kept!


A strong bond of friendship!



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